Graigue Ballycallan GAA Club Registration Day 2018

Graigue-Ballycallan GAA Club will be holding their Registration Day on Saturday 3rd March at the clubrooms in Tom Ryall Park, Kilmanagh from 4.15pm to 6pm.

This year Registration will be organised in specified time slots in order to streamline the process.
Registration for U7s and U9s will take place from 4.30 to 5.00pm.
Registration for U11s and U13s will take place from 5.00 to 5.30pm.
Registration for U15s and U17s will take place from 5.30 to 6.00pm.

With recent changes being introduced to Child Protection and Safe-Guarding Policies it is vitally important that at least one parent/guardian attends with their children when registering them for the coming season. Club Officers and under-age mentors will conduct a very brief presentation of their plans and programs for 2018 and ALL parents/guardians are expected to participate. Parents/Guardians with more than one child need only attend one of the time slots.

In order to facilitate Adult Members, their membership can be paid in the Clubrooms on the same evening from 8 to 8.30pm 

Membership Dues for 2018 are as follows:
Adult Players: €75.00
Adult Non-Players: €40.00
Third-Level Students Players: €40.00
Juveniles: €20.00
OAPs: €25.00

The Club Gear Shop will be open for all to stock up for the coming season!!

We look forward to seeing all the familiar faces and welcoming new members, both adult and juveniles.